Gas detection

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Gas detection

Gas detection is used in confined spaces to measure any gases present. When a certain hazardous gas is present, the detector sounds an alarm, allowing workers to take immediate action. RBC rent out and sells portable gas detection with single-gas and multi-gas sensors.

Gas detection rental
Want to rent gas detection? At RBC, you can rent different brands of detectors and have them ready within 24 hours. Which type suits you best will depend on your location, requirements and the various sources that might pose a danger.

Calibrating a gas detector
To ensure reliable operation of your gas detection equipment, it is important to have the gas detector calibrated periodically. We have our own spacious workshop with certified and experienced technicians who inspect and calibrate safety equipment for deployment the next day. The inspection consists of visual inspection, performing zero point calibration, sensor calibration and checking the various alarms.

Need advice or service?
For more information on gas detection rental, purchase or calibration, please contact us. Our safety experts will be happy to help you.